Our vision at Ashby Willesley is to deliver a high-quality curriculum that is aspirational and ambitious for every child. Our broad and balanced curriculum, which is inclusive by design, has been developed based on the National Curriculum and the needs of our children.
Central to our curriculum is personal development which is driven by our twelve core values. We place great emphasis on nurturing children’s broader development and fostering their well-being to ensure they are equipped to achieve their full potential during their time with us and beyond.
We are incredibly fortunate to be located on the outskirts of the popular town of Ashby de la Zouch, overlooking the beautiful Leicestershire countryside. We have developed our curriculum to take full advantage of what is on offer locally, as well as further afield, which in turn to helps us to provide excellent enrichment opportunities to build our pupils' cultural capital.
At Ashby Willesley Primary School, we offer all pupils a well sequenced curriculum that allows children to build on their prior knowledge. Our curriculum offers high quality learning experiences that teach subject specific skills and knowledge, to allow success within school and children’s futures. Our curriculum encourages creativity both in and outside of the classroom. It is ambitious and inclusive, with the development of pupils’ character being a fundamental aspect of this. We set high expectations of all learners, guiding pupils to develop high aspirations for themselves, alongside building their resilience and cultural capital. We aim for every pupil to be proud of their achievements, their progress and our school community.
Our ambitious curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and is planned for our pupils using a scaffolding approach. Reading and high-quality texts are at the core of its design. Foundation subjects and English are organised into topics, allowing subjects and concepts to be interwoven to ensure prior learning and knowledge gained in one area of the curriculum, supports learning in another. Our progressive approach provides critical links, to enable pupils to know more and remember more. Our curriculum is progressive; substantive and disciplinary knowledge, as well as subject vocabulary, are clearly mapped out. Our taught curriculum is complemented by an extensive extra-curricular offer.
Curriculum end points are clearly mapped out in each subject, incorporating the end of key stage expectations. Using our school assessment system, teachers will assess how children demonstrate independence, confidence, application, explanation and retrieval in each subject. Children will be well prepared to access the next part of their journey as they move onto secondary schools and aspire for the future.
Ashby Willesley Primary School
Packington Nook Lane
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2QG
Safeguarding: dsl@willesley.leics.sch.uk
SENCo: senco@willesley.leics.sch.uk
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